Pedigree of heavy boomerang breeding 2018
heavy boomerang breeding 2018WILSON'S MANE SONNIECrunch's TigerCrunch's Mike MikeCrunch's Jacob
davis' brenda
Cooper's and Carr's RoseCoopers zane
Coopers fat red
LEG'S BLACK BITCHCrunch's Mike MikeCrunch's Jacob
davis' brenda
Cooper's and Carr's RoseCoopers zane
Coopers fat red
Wilsons' Mo' LesseCrunch's TigerCrunch's Mike MikeCrunch's Jacob
davis' brenda
Cooper's and Carr's RoseCoopers zane
Coopers fat red
Mo lesseKings bubblegum

Rowell's peanut
Wtcs sassyBig Worms Clyde
Ms malanoche
This pedigree was generated by APBR | American Pit Bull Registry Database